slide research

Experience, Value
Execution Quality

Research at
the center

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum
is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece
of classical Latin literature
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slide environment

First Class Analytical
and Organic Chemistry

Supporting Engineering and
Technology Development

We Take Care of our
work environment

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum
is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece
of classical Latin literature
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slide technologies

Demonstrated Expertise in
Scale-Up and Manufacturing

We are expertise of
chemical technologies

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum
is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece
of classical Latin literature
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Olon USA has a broad range of Specialty Chemical Manufacturing capabilities to suit your needs

Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Service Provider to Chemical Based Industries

Founded 1986 / Acquired by Olon SpA in 2017
Rigorous quality management process embedded throughout the entire organization

Our Services

Olon USA is a contract research, development and manufacturing service provider to chemical based industries. Our experienced scientific team of analytical…

Olon USA collaborates with clients to support the progression of drug candidates through all phases of development, manufacture and successful registration…

Olon USA provides you with a comprehensive range of on-site analytical chemistry services to fully support

Whatever your needs, from preclinical development through to development of manufacturing of the active pharmaceutical

What is synthetic chemistry but a collaboration between Olon USA’s synthetic chemists and engineers enabling

Talk directly to our experts about of your needs

Single Integrated Site on 25 acres with 160,000 ft2 of Laboratory and Manufacturing Space in Two Primary Building

Analytical instruments
1 +
Synthetic / Process
Production Reactor System


sq. ft.

Multi-bay, multi-level purpose designed plant/processing facility

Chemistry, Engineering & Operations Staff

Extensive technical staff

Highly qualify chemistry staff

What do we do very well?

We have experience since 1986

Quality management at Olon USA is embedded throughout the entire organization

Olon USA’s established and well proven quality system, supported by management’s commitment, is the foundation for assuring that materials produced and/or data generated meet the expectations of our clients and the requirements of regulatory agencies.


Passed audits by > 200 clients and US FDA


with subsequent US FDA Surveillance Audits (most recent January 2019)


Latest News


Empowering Pharmaceutical Development: Connect with Olon USA at CPHI North America

Olon USA is excited to announce our participation in CPHI North America, a premier gathering for professionals in…

Driving Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Interview with Nerissa Chu-A-Kong, Olon USA’s Business Development Director

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry, professionals like Nerissa Chu-A-Kong are the driving force behind innovation and…

We celebrate excellence!

Olon has been selected as Champion of 2024 CDMO Leadership Awards and won the recognition of the category…

Feel free to contact us

Our experts will be glad to find the best solution for you